Timely intervention minimises risk to public safety and maximises revenue from timber.
Responding to specified actions from the mitigation plan is vital to mitigate a client’s Health and safety risk, and deal with the woodland health issues in a cost effective and timely way. With regards to costs, ensuring that harvesting is efficiently organised and undertaken safely matters. Early interventions are vital when trees are more stable and canopies are less prone to uncontrolled breakdown. The other key component of cost efficiency is to maximise the value of any arising raw materials (firewood, branchwood & timber). Working with our colleagues in Euroforest, they have secured access to the best markets for each of these elements, some local firewood outlets, export markets for hardwood timbers and chipwood markets for material that is otherwise sometimes unsaleable.
Harvesting approach
Euroforest and their specialist contract and haulage teams can arrange an array of solutions to suit the woodland or Ash tree owner including: Mechanised harvester / forwarder combinations, Harvester / Clambunk specialist for steep sites, Large and small scale tree shears and whole tree chipping.
Having agreed the scope of the project through the mitigation plan, Euroforest harvesting managers will undertake the following to see a project through from start to finish:
- Pre harvest planning to assess the most efficient methodology for dealing with the infected Ash trees
- Assess infrastructure requirements for temporary storage / loading of ash timber / biomass etc
- Plan and prepare for required site safety management, including traffic control, footpath closure signage as required
- Agree pricing for the project with the client, balancing the costs of the operation against revenue from product sales
- Once budgets and product pricing is agreed with the client and forester, and regulatory approvals are in place Euroforest will instruct works with respective specialist contract teams
- Oversee operations and arrange removals of produce
- Arrange and administer self-billed systems for invoicing, and payments at agreed terms
- Review operations at completion and ensure site is left in a condition that is acceptable to the client.