With the release of the forestry programme, many farmers will be weighing up the option of planting some land. For many this is a good idea and makes clear financial sense.
The afforestation grant covers the costs of establishing and maintaining the forest for the first 4 years
The forestry premium is income tax free
The farmer retains full ownership and control of the forest.
As well as that, planting land is compatible with the ACRES Scheme and for organic farmers, the agro forestry option is very attractive as both the Organic Farming Scheme and the forestry premium as well as the BISS can be claimed on the same ground.
For farmers that plant Native Woodland, an additional one off payment of €1000 per hectare is available under the Woodland Environmental Fund, another incentive that farmers should consider.
If you are considering planting some land, please contact us for advice and site inspection.
To find out more, please contact us. www.EuroforestIreland.ie www.Ashdieback.ie www.ForestryServices.ie |